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There’s an attack on
One young man, by the name of Aakash Nihalani is on the rampage, taking his particular brand of geometric art to the streets. Armed only with reels of neon tape and a paintbrush, Nihalani is trying to, as he says, ‘make work that sparks dialogue about space and perspective in a city packed with infinite layers and views, and also directly observe its impact’. He hopes that by attacking sidewalks, signs and buildings with fluorescent tape, he can emphasise the clean, geometric lines of the city that sometimes get taken for granted, or go entirely unnoticed. Personally, I am all for abolishing apathy in the Big Apple- when you live in the countryside, cities seem like superlatively imagined, vibrant wondrous places- yet, when you look around, the jaded city slickers seem to see it as little more than a grey backdrop. There should be more artists like Nihalani, who take their art to the streets, work on a grander canvas and inspire some love for the city.
Today, I found a note on my door that said "You're the sexiest person I've ever stalked". Later, I found another note that said "Sorry, that was meant for your roommate. You aren't my type." Not even a creepy stalker thinks I'm attractive. FML
Today, I had a job interview. I have a nervous tendency to rub my foot against the bar under the table. After the interview I noticed I had been rubbing my foot against the interviewer's leg. FML
Tiny Art Director
Artist Bill Zeman has his art critiqued by his 4 year old daughter
I love this website because the Tiny Art Director reminds me so much of me. A little demanding, prone to sulks, and she likes dinosaurs- I LOVE dinosaurs. I have a dinosaur teddy, a dinosaur that runs when you wind it up, socks wtih dinosaurs on them...
Examples: Kangaroo and Giraffe
The Brief: A giraffe and a kangaroo fighting over an apple
The Critique: Where's the dinosaur?! Draw me a dinosaur right now Daddy!
Job Status: Rejected
A collection of horrible, hilarious things that go wrong with other people's professionally-ordered cakes.
This website is a stroke of genius. Rather than get all irate when professionals ruin your celebrations with the Cake From Hell, send it to Cake Wrecks and chuckle. It is kind of funny, afterall. My favorite section of Cake Wrecks is 'Literal LOLs', in which the proffessional ckae decorators take cake request a little too literally.
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