Six years ago, JJ Abrams pitched an idea for a TV show to ABC. He said the show, whilst having an overall story arc, would be comprised of easy to follow story lines and allow viewers to dip in and out each episode with ease, not needing to know what came before it to understand what was happening. If you watched Lost, whether it was just one episode you found yourself not knowing what the hell was going on, or whether you were a devoted fan for the past six seasons, you would know that JJ Abrams lied. And I, like the millions of like-minded Lost fans around the world, am thankful for it. First Abrams, then Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof took us on an adventure of epic proportions, in the truest sense of the word. They made us laugh, cry, theorise for hours over what was in the hatch, who the Others were and whether Tom Friendly was gay. So, when it came to the finale, many of us were on edge over whether it would be a fitting finale. It was. They gave it full closure, but still left plenty open for interpretation, and whilst everyone had been fretting over the mythology and possible clashes of alternate realities, they made us realise one of the true reasons why Lost was as successful as it was: the characters. And it gave them just the send off they deserved.


Tweens everywhere were having a Riot! as a topless snap of Paramore’s lead singer, Hayley Williams, emerged on Twitter. You could say we saw the previously wholesome and Christian Hayley with Brand New Eyes- ok, I’ll stop now. However, a few questions have been raised:
1. Hayley claims her Twitter account was ‘hacked’- that may be, but how did the alleged hacker get hold of the picture in the first place? Could it be a little bit of Paramore-produced salacious gossip to keep the wemo-train rolling after we all got fed up of ‘The Only Exception’?
2. Surely Hayley should know that lying on your back is the most unflattering tit pic pose ever, as said mammary glands have a tendency to roam to the sides?
3. Does this mean redheads are cool again, and I no longer have to live in fear of MIA exterminating me?
FILM OF THE MONTH: Prince of Persia


‘High Violet’; The National’s fifth album, was released on May 10th. Pitchfork reviewed it as "the sound of a band taking a mandate to be a meaningful rock band seriously," giving it a score of 8.7 out of 10, only 0.1 marks higher than their most well known album ‘Boxer.' To be honest, my expectations for this album were unreasonably high, due to a love for ‘Boxer,' leaving me slightly disappointed. However, in its own right ‘High Violet’ is an outstanding album from an outstanding artist, and almost certainly deserves a place in this year’s album charts.

This month’s best dance routine comes from the first semi final of this year’s ‘Britains Got Talent’. Last years winners; Diversity, graced our screens with yet another outstanding performance that shows their...well, their diversity. The things most notable about this routine, other their trademark imaginative choreography, are the way they combine shapes, are always in unison when dancing together, and the little kid with curly hair – so talented and so cute!
Zooey Deschanel- Charles shares his fool-proof plan to finally get close to the girl of his dreams. To follow this plan, you will need to buy fake sideburns and partake in a bit of good old-fashioned breaking and entering. Trust us, it’s as creepy as it sounds.
Random Thing I Want: One Sketch a Day Journal- So far, in her ‘RTIW’ series, Chloe has brought us edible facial hair, poultry, and launched a campaign to prevent cruelty to lobsters. This edition shares a common ATS love- notebooks.
5 Vintage E-Bay Sites- E-Bay isn’t just a domain for used lawn furniture and tat you couldn’t flog at a flea market. A select few sell exquisite vintage clothes, and Eileen has trawled through the used bathrobes and authentic Shatner toupees to bring you the best of the best.

Random Thing I Want: One Sketch a Day Journal- So far, in her ‘RTIW’ series, Chloe has brought us edible facial hair, poultry, and launched a campaign to prevent cruelty to lobsters. This edition shares a common ATS love- notebooks.
5 Vintage E-Bay Sites- E-Bay isn’t just a domain for used lawn furniture and tat you couldn’t flog at a flea market. A select few sell exquisite vintage clothes, and Eileen has trawled through the used bathrobes and authentic Shatner toupees to bring you the best of the best.
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