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It's Autumn- the season for trampling through fallen leaves, starting to wrap up warm, and potentially considering starting the dreaded Christmas shopping. But in my world, it means a few different things:
1. I Will Unaccountably Start Listening to Every AvenueI can't help it- as soon as the leaves start falling, my favorite wemo-pop band start calling. I actually went as far as deleting them off my iPod last spring, but I caved and put 'em straight back on about a week ago. There's something so autumnal about it. Have a listen, and see for yourselves:
2. Fingerless GlovesEvery fashionable person seems to hate them, but I just can't get enough. Particularly those fingerless gloves that have detachable mittens- I have three pairs. Plus, they keep my hands snuggly too.
3. Chai TeaOoh, I love a good cuppa, and Chai is no exception. However, please don't buy your Chai from Starbucks- want you're after is a subtle blend of spices, and what you get from Starbucks is a mouthful of cinnamon. My favorite is Drink Me Chai, which you can get here.
4. Long, Hot BathsNothing warms up after a long day in the freezing cold better than a nice, long bath. I'm also very partial to Body Shop bath stuff- it always leaves my skin feeling soft, and smelling lovely. I also love Lush Bath Bombs (above), but some of them do smell a little peculiar.
5. Graphic NovelsNot graphic in the way you're thinking, sicko. But seriously- graphic novels are my ultimate autumnal weakness. Next three on my reading list: Blankets by Craig Thompson, Palomar: The Heartbreak Soup Stories by Gilbert Hernandez and Wonton Soup by James Stokoe.
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