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Eight Legs
Similar To
Cajun Dance Party, Blood Red Shoes, The Metro’s, Look See Proof, Good Shoes
What Other Last Fmers Think
Mixed reviews here, a lot of people are complaining about the new album, it’s described as “terrible” and “weird” and even “disappointing”. But then there are a few people who are singing its praises. The band is described by some as “talented” and “niiice”, yes that’s three I’s, clearly this guy was impressed.
My Thoughts
I started off by listening to ‘Those Grey Days’ which was mentioned once or twice by fans. Just listening to one song I had fallen in love with this band. I must admit it’s what I affectionately dub ‘lads music’ and this song in particular is about drunken arguments and passing out on the concrete outside a lover’s house. This song was used at the Dior Homme Winter show in 2006 when the band were still unsigned and I can see why, it’s a satirical look at booze culture. Definitely worth a download! A double thumbs up!
Tina Dico
Similar To
Gemma Hayes, Sia and Charlotte Martin
What Other Last FMers Think
Wow, this Tina Dico definitely has a lot to live up to, we have comments praising her to high heavens. One man called her “stunning”, another said “amazing” and one over enthusiastic fan claimed she was “perfection”. Funnily these were all men and Tina Dico is very, very pretty, I need to decide for myself whether it’s because of her blonde hair and statuesque bone structure or for her talent…
My Thoughts
The first song I stumbled across was a live version of “In the Red”, it was slow, relaxing and sweet, played on an acoustic guitar. Whilst it was easy to listen to and Tina’s voice was sweet, it was just too singer-songwriter for me. Don’t get me wrong, I am a lover of that genre, my Itunes is full of it, but most of my singers bring something a little different to the table. Tina Dico falls into the monotonous category of a blonde chick with a guitar singing melancholy songs of the heart. Although I must say I do like her collaborations with Zero 7, ‘Home’ is haunting.
Winter Kids
Similar To
Joe Jean and The Jing Jang Jong, Johnny Foreigner, Mumm-ra, Look See Proof
What Other Last FMers Think
Very good response. We have outcries that they have “blown people away” and that they are the “best acid jazz band ever”. Very good comments to live up to. Honestly, I know you shouldn’t judge a band by their album cover, but I love the butterflies in the picture above, so maybe I’ll be a little bias? Who knows…
My Thoughts
I liked to ‘Tape It’, which seems to be the favourite on Last Fm and I was not disappointed. The lead singer’s voice is quite unique, maybe its just me, but he has a deeper, more manly voice then your standard run-of-the-mill, skinny-jeaned indie kid. The choruses of ‘HEAD RUSH!’ were unique and definitely brought a smile to my face. I like Indie bands that have women in them and its always refreshing to hear they sweeter, lighter vocals in WinterKids. Definitely something different, but in a very good way.
Ok 2/3. Pretty damn good Last FM. Have a gold star.
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