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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

WE'VE MOVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!ONE!!!!!!!!!!

Dear Family, Friends, and Casual Readers of Online Trash,

We have moved! We are now: 

Please change your bookmarks, readers, links, everything, as after a short while, you will NOT be able to view any new posts on our current blogger site. I will leave the blog open for a little while, until most people have got the message, but make no mistake this site is closed. Forever. End of an era, I know.

Hope to see you over there soon,

Eileen and the Crazy Cats of ATS

P.S, It's ATTHESINEMA.CO.UK, in case that wasn't made abundantly clear. I'll shut up now.
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Thursday, August 05, 2010

Spotlight on: Visions of Trees

It's a good time to be London-based duo 'Visions of Trees'. Having toured with the likes of Memory House, Sleigh Bells and Fools Gold, this summer sees them on the line-up for top festivals such as Glastonbury and Bestival. It seems difficult to imagine that this time last year, the pair (Sara Atalar and Joni Juden) had only just met...
How did they manage to get from being strangers to being the Next Big Thing in such as short space of time, you ask? Well, aside from adoration perpetuated by their awesome hand-made tapes, I think their own brand of fuzzy pop speaks for itself. Surreal, sultry and sensational. Give 'Sometimes it Kills' of their EP a try, below:

MP3: Visions of Trees- Sometimes It Kills

Visions of Trres are currently on tour in the UK. Catch them at Bestival on the 9th September. For more info, visit:
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Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Remix Wednesday: I Am Not A Robot

I have to confess; I'm not a huge fan of Marina and the Diamonds. Now, the Welsh/Greek songstress is a stunner, but her voice and twee indie pop sound leave me cold. Plus, I don't like it when solo acts called themselves 'Something and the the Somethings'- really, it's just you up there, isn't it? A matter of personal taste, I suppose.
Yet, even I absolutely love Clock Opera's remix of 'I Am Not a Robot'. Clock Opera's unique sound incorporates ‘found sounds’ – now, I what you’re thinking. You’re suddenly conjuring up images of people clanging pans together and using dustbins as drums. Well, you couldn’t be more wrong- the found sounds used by the Clock Opera guys weave seamlessly into their rich tapestry of sound, making a completely unique audio experience, without alienating the listener.
Check it out- trust me, you won't be disappointed.

MP3: Marina and the Diamonds (Clock Opera Remix)

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Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Review: Stand Up for Week @ Koko

‘Stand Up for the Week’ seems to have outraged critics. Not actually because of the show- in brief, it is a Channel Four comedy show, in which stand-up comedians talk about the goings-on of the week in front of a live studio audience. The reason the critics have united against it is because the press release described the show as ‘edgy’ and ‘outrageous’. For some reason, this has been taken to mean the jokes will be unnecessarily rude and belittling, and brimming with enough coarse language to make a hooker blush. 

Well, as I stood on balcony at the intimate-yet-decadent Koko Club on Wednesday night, I decided to throw these preconceived notions out of the window. So the press release may have made lofty assumptions and pissed people off- does that really matter if the jokes are good?

With that thought in mind, on struts Patrick Kielty, our emcee for the evening. Now, I had to agree with the most of the reviews I’d read- his pre-prepared material came off as quite mechanical. Yet, his rapport with the audience was brilliant- he was easily at his most charming and hilarious when he was off the cuff. Yet, of course, these moments of ad-lib banter were cut from the TV show.

After being nicely warmed up by Kielty, out comes the first guest, Jack Whitehall. Now, if we’re being honest, it is very hard to say anything in that accent without sounding like a smarmy, privately-educated bastard. What I’d seen of Jack Whitehall previously was hit-and-miss; sometimes, it was incredibly accurate and blisteringly funny; other times, it seemed unnecessarily mired in filth. But, I have to say I was very impressed with his performance. His routine flowed ridiculously well- he managed flit from Top Gear to Michaela’s Zoo Babies with impressive ease- not an easy feat, I can tell you.

Whitehall was a tough act to follow, and Kevin Bridges took up this unenviable task. Bridges may have the hardest job of the night- he is the sports correspondent, and as you may know, fuck all happened in sports this week. Unfortunately, this meant Bridges’ opportunities for laughs were limited- he even at one point had to rehash the old vuvuzela jokes. Needless to say I was a little disappointed by the promising young comedian, but he did his best with an exhausted topic.

The second least desirable job of the night was that of Andi Osho, who basically has to talk about stuff she’s found on the internet. I find this subject matter a bit of an insult to this hilarious comedian- her peers get World News, Entertainment and Sports- in comparison her job title seems, well, pretty shit. Surprisingly, Osho took this in her stride, and had one of the best routines of the night. Unfortunately, on the final cut of the TV show, some of her funniest jokes (about her mother and a hysterical Mr T impression) were left out, presumably because they were ‘off subject’. However, her piece on the Darth Vader robber made it to the final cut, and was hysterical- I literally cried with laughter.
Undoubtedly, the highlight of the night was Rich Hall- a surprisingly big name for this show. As he walked on stage, he was greeted with five minutes of cries and cheers before he even told a joke. Anticipation was high, and by God he didn’t disappoint. I’m sure you don’t need me to tell you how simultaneously accurate and side-splitting this guy is. It was a real treat to see him live, and I’d whole-heartedly recommend him to anyone.

After the usual correspondents comes a segment of the show that has attracted alot of media attention- The Chair. Basically, a Z-List celebrity is sat in a chair (shockingly) and is verbally abused for two minutes by Patrick Kielty, in the fashion of celebrity roasts (a trend which Channel 4 is currently toying with). The celebrity this week was Chantelle from Big Brother. It was, in a word, excruciating. It was pretty painful to watch the perma-tanned young lady stare up at Kielty with a nonplussed, doe-eyed look on her face, as he referred to her as a ‘cheap slapper’. What made it all the worse were her constant interjections of ‘I don’t get it!’ Personally, I don’t think the ‘celebrity roast’ will take off here as it has in the US- it just seems cruel to have the butt of all of the jokes sat in the spotlight as their career and reputation are slandered.
After we’d all finished cringing, the guest comedian Steve Hughes takes to the stage. Now, he has the easiest job of the night- a longer slot, and he can talk about anything he wants, giving him alot more creative reign than his colleagues. Yet, the light applause that beckons Hughes’ entrance is punctuated with calls of ‘Who the fuck is this guy?’ Things only get worse when, as the audience chatter dies down, a lone voice shouts ‘YOU’RE FUCKING SHIT!’ Oh dear. Hughes turned, his expression completely composed, and retorts: ‘I’ve been on the circuit ten years- don’t worry, I know how to deal with c***s like you’. Cheers all around. What follows is more of the same- acerbic wit and impeccable timing. His routine about trains and the underground is particularly well-received in the Central London location. Some of his jokes may not have been to my personal taste, but you can’t dispute his talent.

Walking away from the evening, my thought is this: this show is a gem, but only if you see it live. The editors appear to favour ‘outrageous’ jokes over funny ones, and the choppy editing subtracts from the overall flow of the routines. I urge you, come see the show live- the atmosphere of the Koko and sheer hilarity is lost somewhere on the cutting room floor. This show undoubtedly has potential, but if optioned for a second series, the production team should have a long hard think about their editing- it compromises the very heart of this show.
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Monday, August 02, 2010

July: A Memoir


I'm sure every review of Inception reads the same- Inception is a slick, intelligent, visually dynamic and multi-faceted piece of cinema. Well, I'm here to pretty much confirm all of the above.

The basic plotline for those of you who don't know is this: Leonardo DiCaprio is troubled. He's banned from America (where his kids live), his wife is dead, said dead wife persistently sabotages his work (trying to steal corporate secrets from peoples' dreams), and as a result, his company is trying to kill him because he's a failure. Now, he's got to work for a guy he doesn't like or trust to pull off the near-impossible feat of inception (planting a thought in someone's head to make them think it's their own). 
Don't worry though, it's not all doom and gloom- I, at least, found the stunning dreamscapes much more engaging than the doom and gloom. The scenes where Ellen Page bends Paris with her mind and the floating hallway fight in particular will leave you breathless.
This film isn't perfect- the supporting cast, although featuring big names, were largely undeveloped as characters- but it's pretty damn close.


Ok, so technically this is an EP, but it would be a crime not to share this with you. Why? Because United Nations has the potential to be a post-hardcore fan's wet dream. I say 'has the potential' because the line-up is shrouded in mystery. The only known member (Geoff Rickly from Thursday) is rumoured to be accompanied by the likes of Daryl Palumbo (Glassjaw/ Head Automatica), Ben Koller (Converge), Jonah Bayer (Lovekill) and Eric Cooper (Made Out of Babies)- a formidable list to make even the most casual of hardcore fans salivate.
And as for the music, well, it's immense. This EP may only last 12 minutes, but it carries the clout of a much longer album. Prepare for twelve minutes of face-melting, ass-kicking, violent, messy noise- and prepare to love every second of it.


Finally, a worthwhile artist mired in rumours for me to talk about! Basically, Avey Tare of Animal Collective is set to release a solo album 'Down There'. 'Big fucking deal,' I hear you cry. But his band mate Panda Bear was already set to release a solo album entitled 'Tomboy' at around the same time. This has prompted hipsters everywhere to jump to the conclusion that these two are no longer 'chill', and are declaring war on each other. Yeah, I know, this isn't really a story- two guys are putting out music and hip kids are turning it into a Twitter sensation. Hipsters are so fucking weird.
Also noteworthy: A bird shat on the Kings of Leon bassist and he threw a bitch fit or something. It's been a slow news month, k?

From blog to fully-fledged store in two years, the Scarlet Room is a one-stop shop for beautiful accoutrements. Catering specifically for students, the Scarlet Room is both effortlessly chic and magnificently unique. Whether you're after beautiful lace-collared blouses or the perfect pair of ripped jeans, you'll find what you're looking for. And, unlike most of the beautiful collections I fall hopelessly in love with, they offer student clothes at student prices. The dresses above, for instance, mostly fall under the $30 bracket. Snap 'em up quick, girls.

The Bands of Scott Pilgrim- As the anticipated release date of 'Scott Pilgrim vs. the World' draws ever closer, here's our guide to the bands- both real and fictional- you'll meet in the film, including the likes of Beck, Broken Social Scene and Metric.

10 Songs For a Way Cooler Prom- Yes it's that time of year again; that time where we get all dressed up, pay extortionate amounts to get in and spend the night trying (and failing) to dance in high heels and long dresses. If you want to make your prom more bearable, Charles has the solution- a killer playlist.

Underrated Albums of 2009- If you're not sick of '09 toplists, you should check out this retrospective list of some musical treasures released in 2009 that perhaps didn't receive the acclaim they deserve.
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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Song of the Day: Year of the Ox by Fucked Up

The song of the day today is the latest offering from Fucked Up's chinese zodiac. Basically, they aim to release a single for each year in the Chinese zodiac, and the results push even this most destructive of musical acts to their limits, allowing them to experiment far off the musical beaten track. And for me, this is their finest hour so far.
The thirteen-minute epic isn't out until September 28th, but you can stream it in full here. Alternatively, you can watch a live version they did for CBC Radio 3 below, complete with guest appearance from the crazy lady from Duchess Says.

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Monday, July 26, 2010

The Bands of Scott Pilgirm

As I'm sure many of you are aware, Pilgrimania is sweeping the nation (as I predicted), the latest manifestation of which is the star-studded soundtrack. The films will feature three main fictional bands, and obviously required three real bands to provide the tuneage. Meet these bands below:


A.K.A: Sex Bob-Omb
Where the Name Came From: Super Mario games, obviously. If you don't know what a Bob-omb is, you should probably gtfo.
The Real Band: Beck Hansen is an indie rock singer-songwriter, famed for his eclectic sound and the multitudinous instruments he can play. His unusual style has been compared to both Bob Dylan and Prince, which doesn't actually tell you a whole bunch about his sound, so you should probably just go listen to him.
The Fictional Band: Sex Bob-Omb is comprised of Scott Pilgrim on bass, Kim Pine on drums and Stephen Stills ('the talent') on vocals and guitar. In the books, rarely do their concerts go to plan, as they are often interrupted by epic death matches between Scott and Ramona's evil exes. If the film doesn't feature the gig they do in fancy dress, I'll be severely disappointed.


A.K.A: The Clash at Demonhead
Where the Name Came From: A NES game of the same name
The Real Band: Indie rock darlings Metric have been pumping out solidly alright music since the late 90's. 'Live It Out' is a terrific album, but I wasn't personally smitten by 'Fantasies'. Oh, and the song they did for the Twilight soundtrack was the worst.
The Fictional Band: The Clash at the Demonhead are the most famous/ successful band, made up of Envy Adams (Scott's ex who by all accounts is a massive bitch) Todd Ingram (Envy's paramour, who has super vegan powers) and Lynette Guycott (who plays drums and has a bionic arm which can punch the highlights out of people's hair).


A.K.A: Crash and the Boys
Where the Name Came From: The video game 'Crash 'n the Boys: Street Challenge'
The Real Band: Broken Social Scene are a loose musical co-operative hailing from Toronto. Much like Metric, they formed in the late 90's and have a strong indie-rock vibe. Emily Haines (of Metric) is also a member of BSS, as well as other well-known names such as Feist, Sebastian Grainger (of DFA 1979) and Amy Millan (of Stars). They are also the masterminds behind 'Forgiveness Rock Record', one of my favourite albums of this year.
The Fictional Band: These dudes don't play instruments, they can manipulate soundwaves with their minds. After a bit of a mutiny, they change their name to 'The Boys and Crash'.
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Monday, July 19, 2010

5 Fashions: Autumn/Winter 2010

The dresses have been packed away, the startling make-up removed, the catwalks dismantled- Fashion Week A/W is over for another year. But, the real work is just about to begin.What we saw in fashion week is now being fervently carbon-copied by every store nationwide- and here's my guide on the top trends to be coveting before they become 'cool' in autumn.


This fashion week was all about practicality over sexiness- the garments we saw were made to adorn the high-powered business woman, not the screen siren. This means the skirts are getting longer- say 'goodbye' to bodycon and 'hello' to a much more mature cut. Inspired by the likes Marc Jabobs, Asos' A/W collection is taking the 'long skirt' to even more extreme lengths in the form of the maxi skirt. Stylish, practical and able to hide a multitude of sins, you can pick one up here for a mere £28.


Outerwear in itself was a big concept- whether it's camel skin, tweed or fur, the more outlandish the fabric, the better. If you're not quite brave enough to attempt an electric blue and black furry number, as seen at Doo.Ri, perhaps the Camel Coat is for you. The gorgeously cut one above is from Jigsaw- it may be £149, but this season's outerwear is such a key wardrobe staple, it's important to buy quality.


Nude is still a heavy-hitter this season, but with a slight twist. The pastel pinks and peaches of summer are to be replaced by more earthy beige tones. If the camel coat isn't your cup of tea, perhaps try another one of the season's trends- the wide-leg trouser, seen at Chloe. The Esprit trousers above are ridiculously on trend- not only are they loose-fitting and beige, but also upturned and tapping into the adrognous trend. Snap up a pair for £39.99 whilst you can.


Run and hide, velvet is making a comeback. I wish I was joking, but Dolce and Gabbana, Karen Millen, Thakoon and Alexander Wang are all at it. A particularly prominent colour appears to be burgundy (a la Altuzzara and Dolce and Gabbana, above). Should you wish to attempt this trend, the high street hasn't quite caught on, but you could opt for the slinky 'Goddess Dress' by Isabella Oliver ($194)- however, this one does show alot of thigh, so isn't massively in line with the mood of this season. Guess we'll just have to wait and see if the high street catches on...


Yes, you did read that correctly- according to those in the know, 'Buxom is the new flat-chested, daahling'. If your own décolletage leaves alot to be desired, opt for another seasonal trend- the ruffled dress. The exaggerated ruffles have moved further inwards from the shoulders of last season, and should now be used to accentuate the bust, exemplified by Prada (above). The new O&O range(available at Urban Outfitters, click here) is perfect for this- the dress above is just £40, and boasts Prada-esque nude tones and bust ruffles.
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Sunday, July 18, 2010

Underrated Albums from 2009

I know it’s over halfway through 2010 and all, but I feel that I’m only just beginning to come to terms with 2009 musically in retrospect. Undeniably, it was a good year for music- even going in, new material by heavy-hitters such as Animal Collective and Yeah Yeah Yeahs had bagsied their rightful places in Top 10 Lists. Yet, the fallout from this was that fresh, new voices and more obscure sounds that were equally worthy of great acclaim slipped under the radar. My end-of-year list has gone through many mental alterations since then- and here are some of the best albums you may not have heard about.

1. POLAR BEAR CLUB- CHASING HAMBURGAfter releasing this near-perfect album, I honestly think PBC deserve to take their rightful place amongst the greatest punk/post-hardcore bands of this generation. The opening track ‘See the Wind’ is an aggressive, visceral hardcore outing with a clear message- expect the unexpected from this band. It proves that they not just capable of the catchy hooks and math-rock riffs fans came to expect of them, but can also compose devastating breakdowns with dexterity. A ferocious and flawless sophomore effort, and one that deserves to be cherished.

Turbo Fruits is led by ex-Be Your Own Pet member Jonas Stein, and appear to have been judged solely on this. Critics have argued that Stein’s vocals cannot keep up with the brattish snarl of Jemina Pearl (of BYOP), credited the guitar-playing, and dismissed it as a 6/10.
Yet, even when judged against their previous BYOP carnation, Turbo Fruits for me still come up trumps. Comparing ‘Echo Kid’ to Jemina Pearl’s new stuff, you see where the talent lay in Be Your Own Pet- Jemina’s own sound is bland, whereas Turbo Fruits is a frenetic, drug-addled, sun-drenched frenzy.
When judged on their own, you can’t deny the ridiculously brilliant guitars in ‘Broadzilla’, Stein’s Dylan-esque swagger in ‘Get Up and Get Down (Tonite)’, and the stoner-rock poignancy of ‘Mama’s Mad ‘Cos I Fried My Brain’. In some places, the childish lyrics let down the instrumental prowess, but you cannot deny this is a stonker of an album.

3. DANANANANAYKROYD- HEY EVERYONE!There are two things to be said about this band:
1. They’re utterly unique.
2. They’re immense.
What makes them unique? Well, the fact they’ve had to coin a phrase themselves to try and describe their sound is a dead giveway. ‘Fight pop’ is a bizarre mix of twee indie and melodic post-hardcore, and is probably best demonstrated by the fact Dananananaykroyd concerts don’t have Walls of Death, they have Walls of Hugs.
‘Hey Everyone!’ is a boisterous joy ride between chants and screams, melodic even in the face of perfectly-played musical chaos. In certain places (‘Song One Puzzle’, we’re looking at you), comparisons could be drawn with, say, Los Campesinos! ; in others (‘Some Dresses’), the only accurate comparison would be a punch in the jugular. A thrilling and joyous ride from start to finish.

4. BLUE ROSES- BLUE ROSESLaura Groves’ debut album appears to be a reflection on her- dainty, pretty, seemingly romantic. And yet, there’s something in this album- largely consisting of romantic tales and Debussy-esque piano stylings, eloquently accompanied by layered harmonies- that says more. In amongst the tenderness, there’s a sense of playfulness and adventure, a tinge of theatricality- the sort of elements that make this beautiful album stand proudly above many other singer-songwriter works of 2009. Sit back, listen, treasure.

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Tuesday, July 06, 2010

10 Songs For A Way Cooler Prom.

Firstly, hey y'all, long time no speak. I've been doing exams and stuff, but that shit's over now.
Now it's time to prom. Unfortunately, this usually means shyly shuffling your feet to the 'hottest' songs of the last year or so, and by 'hottest' this usually means shit. Of course, there will no doubt be some classics mixed in there, but again, I use the term 'classics' very lightly. As a remedy for what will no doubt be a terrible evening filled with dumb ass girls pretending to be wasted on one glass of champagne and therefore people actually paying attention to all the nerdy girls, who actually turn out to be pretty hot (pretty sure this is the storyline to a million films as well as a Taylor Swift video), I have compiled a list of alternative prom songs that you can wish the DJ will play or maybe just have your own alternative prom night by yourself. Of course, you could actually go to your own prom and ask your DJ to play them, but let's be honest - everyone would hate you. Even more than they already do, and, if you're like me, then that's definitely saying something. So, without further ado, here are my 10 songs for a better, alternative and all round cooler prom:

10. Lady Gaga ft. Beyoncé - Telephone
Now, this might not be as 'out there' as you may have been expecting, but fear not - there is a reason. Starting with one of the few pop songs out there that are actually any good, you can gently ease your prom audience into the flow without completely losing them. They might even hang around for the second song, if you're lucky.
9. Yeasayer - O.N.E.
Y'all just need something good to dance to, and O.N.E. is the perfect song to demonstrate some killer moves. Lyrical content is not so important, so just make sure you don't sing this one directly to your date. Unless you don't like them, in which case anything goes.
8. The Hold Steady - First Night
It's time for that first slow song of the evening, and without a doubt this song was pretty much made for proms. In fact, you could pretty much choose any song from The Hold Steady's back catalogue, or even better - just have a Craig Finn themed prom. His lyrics deserve a dedication of some sort.
7. Animal Collective - My Girls
If you really wanna tell your girl that you just wanna take care of her, then there is surely no better song than the alt anthem 'My Girls'. And, if she really is worth it, then I'm sure she'll appreciate it just as much as you do, and eventually she might even walk down the aisle to it at your wedding.
6. The Knife - Heartbeats
A modern dancefloor classic, surely? Lyrically beautiful, a funky beat and the ability to make any true appreciator of contemporary Scandinavian electronic music get down and dance. And maybe you'll just find another true appreciator and bond. A bit like the two characters in of Montreal's 'The Past Is A Grotesque Animal', but that's a whole different beast...
5. of Montreal - The Past Is A Grotesque Animal
So it's the halfway point in your evening's entertainment, and now it gets serious. Of course it's not realistic, playing an 11 minute song that references a book of erotic three way fantasies at your prom, but hey, sometimes things are better drifting into the realms of fantasy. To quote this very song: "We want our film to be beautiful not realistic." And that's one of the things that makes this song so great - I can totally relate to that.
4. Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up
Well c'mon, it's probably the last chance you're ever gonna get to Rick Roll all your high school friends. And of course those douches that you hate. And that's gotta be satisfying. Just watch them rage.
3. Pavement - Spit On A Stranger
This indie classic was used in the popular American sitcom How I Met Your Mother, so perhaps there's a 0.0001% chance that one person other than you at your real prom will know it, and, if they're a cute girl, then I think that's a risk I'm willing to take.
2. The Magnetic Fields - Nothing Matters When We're Dancing
If you haven't heard this, then listen to it now. And pay attention to the lyrics too. For once I'm taking off my silly hat (my metaphorical silly hat of course, as you'll never tear my real silly hat away from me) and switching into serious mode for a second - this song is tear-inducing, so have those handkerchiefs ready, because this is one song that I would die for to have at my prom, and the one song I would hate too for having, as ultimately it would result in me sobbing my eyes out like the quivering emotional wreck I am out into my prom date's shoulder. Hopefully she'd understand.
1. The Killers - Mr. Brightside
This one again might seem strange and just what you might expect from a normal prom and, well, that's because it is. Of course I genuinely expect this song to be at my prom and every prom of this year and last year and next year too. I expect it to be at shitty proms where dumb ass girls think they're wasted on their complementary glass of champagne and I expect it to be at my own fantasy prom where everyone loves a good singalong to Girls and The Smiths alike. Why? Because this song is probably the song of our generation. I don't know any song that gets as many people from every background imaginable singing in unison together quite like this gem from an average American indie band. But for whatever reason, it has that effect, and any prom of this generation just wouldn't be the same without it. Read More......

Sunday, July 04, 2010

June: A Memoir

First of all, I have to issue an apology to all of our readers who have had to go a month without their ATS fix. We’ve been ridiculously busy with exams, but are now back to normal, and hopefully our posts will become a wee bit more regular.

ALBUM OF THE MONTH- Good Old War- Good Old WarFor some reason, holing oneself up in isolation seems to be a good way to make some great music- Good Old War is no exception. The album was recorded at a time when the three gents stowed themselves in the Pocono Mountains, learning new instruments and writing some of the most heartfelt material of their career. This album is packed with the usual indie-folk jolliness we’ve come to expect from the trio, but at its heart is a greater emotional vulnerability. You only have to listen to ‘I Should Go’ (below) to hear the true feeling woven into every track. It’s this sense of heart and soul that you can hear in their music that provide the backbone for this immense album.

FILM OF THE MONTH- EclipseYesterday, as we huddled down with our shared popcorn bucket in Row C, there was one question on mine and Chloe’s minds- how the Hell did we end up here?
As many of you will know by now, me and Chloe hate the Twilight Saga and everything it advocates- domestic violence, teenage suicide and Mormonism amongst the worst of it. And yet every time a new film is churned out, we always end up going to see it. I think that says alot about the almost magnetic pull of this franchise- it becomes compulsive viewing for even those who solemnly hate it.
Yet, obviously, the third film in the series (out of five, joy of joys) suffers from the same pitfalls as its predecessors. A shoddily-written source text, pitted full of narrative holes (for instance- how does Edward just ‘get over’ the fact he wants to drain his lover’s blood?), some pretty awful acting at times, and the cheesiest chat up lines I have ever heard.
So how does this film differ from the others? Well, there’s more action, a few extra pieces of guy candy and a few more back stories for the bit parts. But yet for me, this is still overshadowed by the fact that countless tweens will look upon Edward’s emotional blackmail, lies, and coercion into marriage as true love. And for that, Miss Meyer has alot to answer for.

It is often the curse of the young and the cool to be alienated by designers. Most of the designers I could name certainly do not scream ‘young and edgy’- the gently whisper ‘sophisticated and elegant’- and, most crucially, ‘rich’. Step in The Cassette Society- two ladies with a vision of breaking out and designing their own label. A few years on, and they have hipsters everywhere drooling over their unique, sexy designs. And, best of all, you can pick up TCS clothes for comparatively modest prices- the blue fringed dress above, for example, it $14.99. Snap it up whilst you can.

POSTS OF THE A Man Market- The three ladies of At the Sinema share their thoughts on the styles and bods of’s finest gentlemen. Warning: may contain shameless objectification.

A Remedy for the Reviser-
Exams may be over, but I’m sure we can all still appreciate Chloe’s collection of Youtube phenomena, ideal for procrastination of any kind.

Playlist 13: Instrumental- It’s so easy to convey meaning through lyrics. Yet, when words are thrown out of the window, the results can be just as moving- as proven by this playlist of Tri’s favourite instrumental tunes.
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Thursday, June 10, 2010

Playlist 13: Instrumental

So, you thought songs without lyrics were boring? Well I challenge you to listen, and enjoy...

1) Distant Street Lights - Codes In The Clouds
2) At The Top Of This Hill - Message to Bears
3) Yet Onward We Marched – Joy Wants Eternity
4) Dear Monsters - Followed by Ghosts
5) Shine - The Album Leaf
6) Ghosts of the Garden City – Caspian
7) I Capture Castles – And So I Watch You From Afar
8) Canadia – Because of Ghosts
9) Zhivago – Ludovico Einaudi
10) Hægt, kemur ljósið - Ólafur Arnalds
11) You Are Not What You Think You Are – Codes In The Clouds

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Sunday, June 06, 2010 A Man Market

Say what you will, but for me, Lookbook is all about the boys. I don't want to look at photos of exceedingly rich/beautiful, borderline anorexic girls with infinitely flawless hair. I'd much prefer to look at pictures of exceedingly hot, stylish dudes.
Here are some of Lookbook's finest slices of manhood doing what they do best- looking goood.


Chloe: Massl’s look is a classic; jeans, white tee, striped shirt and I really like it on lads. Its casual in a way that's comfortable, not scruffy and is very, very sexy. However, striped shirts and jeans is a look you see on so many guys, when I went partying in Liverpool with my boyfriend and his friends, all 5 of them sported the exact same look, not on purpose, obviously. Massl, unfortunately, hasn’t taken this well known ensemble and made it his own. But saying that, there is a reason its so popular, it works!

Eileen: I am an absolute sucker for a checked shirt. I have six, and any guy wearing them automatically looks way hotter. This may or may not be because my ideal man is some sort of bearded Canadian lumberjack with good arm muscles. I have to agree with Clo- not the most original look of all, but he works it, and I really want his boots.

Catriona: I do agree, white T-shirts and checked shirts are always good, and he is rather attractive, but I also think that those jeans are way too tight for him! His top half looks manly and sexual whereas the bottom half just looks skinny. (Brown boots with black jeans is also not a favorite of mine.)


Chloe: Denny’s look mixes the ‘nautical’ look as well as that indie blazer-hat combination we see every now and then. I absolutely love the nautical look and this red striped t-shirt is too die for, it especially works with Denny’s olive skin. Mixing the t-shirt with the blazer and hat really works, its casual, sexy and fashionable. However, I’m not a fan of the trousers, they remind me too much of the pedal-pusher trousers I used to wear when I was 5. But the top half of this outfit is very fashion forward.

Eileen: This look is smart yet casual- from the waist up. I really do not like those trousers- either you wear shorts or you don’t; anything in between just looks a wee bit ridiculous. It genuinely looks like his trousers are just too small for him! But I think the fact that he describes himself as an ‘Asian sensation’ and his trilby are enough to make me forgive him.

Catriona: I’m sorry, I feel rather mean for saying this but I’m just not a fan of this look either.


Chloe: Firstly, I must point out how GORGEOUS Uniyme is... yum. Right, back to the outfits. I absolutely adore Uniyme’s coat, it's stylish, the fabric looks gorgeous and it works well with the rest of the ensemble. Once again we see the return of the striped shirt, however, this time its been adapted to suit the wearers own personal style, Uniyme has it open, revealed a plunging t-shirt. Add in the dark jeans and the white belt to add a splash of bright amongst the dark colours and you have a great outfit. Absolutely love it.

Eileen: This dude has the nicest smile. I could stare at him all day- I’m pretty sure he could be wearing anything, and he’d still look bloody gorgeous. Completely agree with everything Clo has said- except maybe he should be wearing nothing under that shirt (but that’s just me being a major pervert). I also really love the white belt- it turns an accessory that’s often overlooked into a real statement in the ensemble.

Catriona: Mmmmmm. Nice... Oh sorry what? The clothes? Yeah they’re alright, but please stop distracting me from his smile. Thank you.


Chloe: Adam’s style isn’t exactly Haute couture, but it’s definitely fashionable. Its comfortable chic; beanie hats, mixed with band tee’s, jeans and conserves. Its grunge fashion at its best and the classic sunglasses just add that little bit extra. The cherry on the top of a great look, if you will.

Eileen: I really, really want this outfit. I’m not much of a beanie fan, but paired with those wayfarers, it really works. That pairing of the casual hat with the high-fashion shades adds an effortless feel to this look. I think The Who T-Shirt speaks for itself: awesome T-shirt + awesome band= cool in abundance. Add to this a pair of high-tops, which you can never really go wrong with. And, do I spy a checked shirt tied around his waist? I’m in love.

Catriona: I love the fact that he’s just sitting in a trolley, randomly. Now that’s my kind of supermarket shopping! He’s got the sexy sunnies, floppy hat, bright red converse and an ‘I just don’t care’ look about him that completes it for me.


Chloe: I’m not sure what to make of Andrew’s outfit. I liked it at first, but I think I was just blinded by how good looking he is. After that, I wasn’t so keen. Andrew doesn’t exactly bring anything new to the table; white t shirt, white shorts, tennis players have been sporting this for years. However, the hat suggests he hasn’t just stepped off the court. The hats good. I like the hat, its unusual, its out there and it makes the outfit a tiny little bit quirky, but only a tiny bit. However, I like the carefree nature of this outfit, its your stereotypical, bog standard ‘day in the sun’ outfit. And for that it works.

Eileen: Andreas is way too clean-cut for me- I would corrupt him, it would be awful. I found this outfit a little plain. And, what is with the hat?!? It really doesn’t fit with the rest of the outfit- it’s like smart, smart, farmer. Who is this dude, the ghost of farmers passed?

Catriona: Wow. He is beautiful. That is all I can say. The outfit is plain, simple, but I like it. Comfy Casual is the way forward.


Catriona: Here is my choice. It is just me or does Joss look somewhat like Channing Tatum in the left picture? I love the ripped jeans with the thick black belt, the checked shirt (that we all seem to have a taste for) and the leather jacket rolled up to the elbow. Again, its casual, but fitted enough to show off that figure which I am 98.3% sure is as chiseled as his cheek bones.

Eileen: I don't think he looks all that much like Channing Tatum, but he is pretty nice-looking. On a personal note, ripped jeans do nothing for me, but overall, quite nice.
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Thursday, June 03, 2010

A Remedy For The Reviser

Its that time of year again! The dreaded exam period -cue the boos- filled with revision, mountains of notes and (if you're like me) lots of highlighters, gel pens and a mega amount of DOODLES! So, because I am a very nice person, I have collected together a handful of youtube hilarity, but as soon as you have watched them go back to learning about (in my case anyway) distributed databases, Shakespearean performance conditions and women through the eyes of John Donne. Thank you and g'night!

Crazy Weather Man

Haiti's finest weather man and he's crazy, addictive laugh.

Would you like a mint?
object width="425" height="344">
Hours of fun this small clip has given me. You'll find yourself asking people everywhere "WOULD YOU LIKE A MINT?"

Beautiful Singers

I wish I had this type of talent


She thinks out of the blue, she's a smart little girl and she can do whatever she wants!
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Tuesday, June 01, 2010

May: A Memoir

Six years ago, JJ Abrams pitched an idea for a TV show to ABC. He said the show, whilst having an overall story arc, would be comprised of easy to follow story lines and allow viewers to dip in and out each episode with ease, not needing to know what came before it to understand what was happening. If you watched Lost, whether it was just one episode you found yourself not knowing what the hell was going on, or whether you were a devoted fan for the past six seasons, you would know that JJ Abrams lied. And I, like the millions of like-minded Lost fans around the world, am thankful for it. First Abrams, then Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof took us on an adventure of epic proportions, in the truest sense of the word. They made us laugh, cry, theorise for hours over what was in the hatch, who the Others were and whether Tom Friendly was gay. So, when it came to the finale, many of us were on edge over whether it would be a fitting finale. It was. They gave it full closure, but still left plenty open for interpretation, and whilst everyone had been fretting over the mythology and possible clashes of alternate realities, they made us realise one of the true reasons why Lost was as successful as it was: the characters. And it gave them just the send off they deserved.

So, this feature died a few months ago, but I have decided to resurrect it, because it’s awful and fun.
Tweens everywhere were having a Riot! as a topless snap of Paramore’s lead singer, Hayley Williams, emerged on Twitter. You could say we saw the previously wholesome and Christian Hayley with Brand New Eyes- ok, I’ll stop now. However, a few questions have been raised:

1. Hayley claims her Twitter account was ‘hacked’- that may be, but how did the alleged hacker get hold of the picture in the first place? Could it be a little bit of Paramore-produced salacious gossip to keep the wemo-train rolling after we all got fed up of ‘The Only Exception’?
2. Surely Hayley should know that lying on your back is the most unflattering tit pic pose ever, as said mammary glands have a tendency to roam to the sides?
3. Does this mean redheads are cool again, and I no longer have to live in fear of MIA exterminating me?

FILM OF THE MONTH: Prince of Persia
This month saw the Disney video turned movie hit the scenes and man, was it awesome. In the movie, Dastan, played by the uber sexy Jake Gyl-something, is taken from the streets and turned into a prince. His country, Persia, are known for their miltary prowess and guerilla tactics attack the holy city of Alamut, overseen by Princess Tamina's, played by my favourite actress Gemma Aterton. Course, things are never simple and after the intinal celebration of Alamut's fall, things start to go terrible wrong. Cue a magical dagger, orstich races, poisoned cloaks and lots of sand. All the ingredients to a fantastic movie, I must say. The Prince of Persia, is a movie of hair breath fight scenes, amazing CGI, fantasticly interesting plot twists and a love affair that will made you swoon, not vomit. Oh and lots of sand.


‘High Violet’; The National’s fifth album, was released on May 10th. Pitchfork reviewed it as "the sound of a band taking a mandate to be a meaningful rock band seriously," giving it a score of 8.7 out of 10, only 0.1 marks higher than their most well known album ‘Boxer.' To be honest, my expectations for this album were unreasonably high, due to a love for ‘Boxer,' leaving me slightly disappointed. However, in its own right ‘High Violet’ is an outstanding album from an outstanding artist, and almost certainly deserves a place in this year’s album charts.


FASHION DESIGNER OF THE MONTH: WhitIf I (God forbid) end up having to put in my nine to five in some office somewhere, Whit would be my first choice for smart yet awesome attire. Whit is the debut line from Whitney Pozgay (Kate Spade’s niece), and is said to be influenced by Henry Darger, Nouvelle Vague and Birkin. Combining playful with timeless, polka dots with silk screen and classic cuts with kooky headwear, every piece in this collection is a show stopper. Grab it from July here.


This month’s best dance routine comes from the first semi final of this year’s ‘Britains Got Talent’. Last years winners; Diversity, graced our screens with yet another outstanding performance that shows their...well, their diversity. The things most notable about this routine, other their trademark imaginative choreography, are the way they combine shapes, are always in unison when dancing together, and the little kid with curly hair – so talented and so cute!

POSTS OF THE MONTHZooey Deschanel- Charles shares his fool-proof plan to finally get close to the girl of his dreams. To follow this plan, you will need to buy fake sideburns and partake in a bit of good old-fashioned breaking and entering. Trust us, it’s as creepy as it sounds.

Random Thing I Want: One Sketch a Day Journal- So far, in her ‘RTIW’ series, Chloe has brought us edible facial hair, poultry, and launched a campaign to prevent cruelty to lobsters. This edition shares a common ATS love- notebooks.

5 Vintage E-Bay Sites- E-Bay isn’t just a domain for used lawn furniture and tat you couldn’t flog at a flea market. A select few sell exquisite vintage clothes, and Eileen has trawled through the used bathrobes and authentic Shatner toupees to bring you the best of the best.
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Sunday, May 30, 2010

Sex and the City for Less

This week heralds the UK premiere of ‘Sex and the City 2’, which raises the pulses of many for one reason...
No, it’s not the naked men. It’s the outfits.
Yes- by turns both crazy and fabulous, the wardrobes of Carrie, Samantha, Miranda and Charlotte has delighted and excited global audiences. But, being that devastatingly fashionable comes at a price- you’d be lucky to find a single piece in these fashionistas’ wardrobes that doesn’t come with at least a triple-figure price tag.
So, I got to thinking... surely these looks can be recreated for the girl on a budget? So, I decided to try and recreate four looks from the film, using only items costing under $50 (roughly £35)- and let me tell you, it wasn’t easy.

Sex and the City for Less- MirandaFashion Trends & Styles - Polyvore

This look (as with many of the SATC outfits) rests on a killer dress. Now, whilst you can’t expect the sort of fabulous shoulder detail of Miranda’s dress for less than £35, you can expect a strong, orange shift dress that channels the DKNY Spring/Summer Collection. Step in Reef- this dress is pretty much an exact colour match to Miranda’s (and will perfectly compliment us redheads). It comes in at $49- just shy of the upper limit- but for a dress this versatile, it’s worth every penny.
Finished off with some bangles and a leather bag (to channel the ethnic trend), and a pair of classic white peep toes, you’ve got a look worthy of a designer price tag.
BASIC OUTFIT (Dress, Belt, Shoes)- £90
PLUS EXTRAS (Bangles, Bag, Earrings)- £140

Sex and the City For Less- SamanthaFashion Trends & Styles - Polyvore

This outfit was probably the easiest to recreate- thanks in no small part to the purple dress, coming in at only $10 (or £6.89)- thanks to a website called With that solid foundation placed, the look was completed with a wide leather belt and leather shoes, both in bright blue- a slightly kooky colour to give it that designer feel. And, what Samantha outfit would be complete without some kick-ass lingerie? This nautical set from Topshop continues the blue theme, and exudes stylishness
BASIC OUTFIT (Dress, Belt, Shoes)- £47.89
PLUS EXTRAS (Lingerie, Sunglasses, Clutch, Bracelets)- £153.03

Sex and the City for Less- CharlotteFashion Trends & Styles - Polyvore

From the easiest to the trickiest- Charlotte’s mature-with-a-hint-of-prep style pretty much hinges on exquisite tailoring. So, I had to cheat a little bit- rather than basing the outfit around hot pink (a shade which is apparently reserved for the wealthy), I went for baby pink- pretty much the colour of choice this summer. The ‘suit’ was made up of an ASOS oversized blazer (a key trend this summer), and a gorgeous floral print skirt from Forever 21 (my new favourite shop). Underneath this, I added a cream top with emphasised shoulders from John Lewis, to inject a little elegance and maturity to this look.
It’s not hardcore Charlotte, but it’s a good look nonetheless.
BASIC OUTFIT (Blazer, Skirt, Top, Shoes)- £102
WITH EXTRAS (Charm Bracelet, Tote, Necklace)- £149.95

Sex and the City For Less- CarrieFashion Trends & Styles - Polyvore

This outfit has been splashed across posters up and down the country, and is a complete classic. At its heart, a simple white dress- such as the one above from Quiz Clothing, costing £25. Then, layered up with bling- a pair of metallic sandals with cork heels, to make them beach-ready; gold jewellery and sunglasses (or yellow sunglasses, if you’re on a budget, such as these from Urban Outfitters), and a classic silk clutch. Simple, yet brilliant.
BASIC OUTFIT- (Dress, Shoes)- £57
WITH EXTRAS- (Necklace, Bangles, Aviators, Clutch)- £121.99

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