The second installment, but the lads this time. Want to get rid of your man? Just buy them these presents and they'll be out the door leaving only flaming tire tracks in their wake.
Sex for dummies by Dr Ruth K Westheimer>

Really want to offend your boyfriend? Well, here you go. Ruth, the old dear, has officially written the ultimate break up book. So want to get rid of your fella and mentally ruin his sex drive for the rest of his life... easy peasy lemon squeezy.
2. Hannah Montana Pajama Set
It's certainly a fact- unless you have a very strange boyfriend- that if you brought your lover a pair of hannah montana jammies, especially in this beautiful barbie pink, he'll be questioning both your sanity and why the hell he ever found you attractive... Unless he's a Hannah Montana lover and then he's got the best of both worlds!
3. Bed Wetting Plastic Sheets
This works especially well if they suffered with it as a child, brings back horrible childhood memories. But other then that, it will humiliate your boyfriend/husband to death... unless you said it was for yourself and... crash- whats that? The door slamming shut as he runs out the door. Goodie! He might, however, find it funny if he has a dry humor (cheap pun!)
4. A Toupe
A mans biggest insecurity- going bald. Lets play upon that should we? Especially this beautiful one above, alternatively you could get a stick on Hitler 'tash as follow up present.
5. Croc's
No explanation needed... LOOK AT THEM!
I think number 2 is where I'm going wrong...
Only joking kids =)
Glad you had to put that second comment in, cos for a minute I thought you were deadly serious.
Hey, there's nothing wrong with toupees!
My uncle wears one!
Well y'know, I wouldn't want anyone to mistake my Thomas the Tank Engine ones for Hannah Montana.
Ha ha, very funny. Yet informative - as I didn't know half of those things exsisted!
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