Firstly I would like to point out I'm not gay.
I have a boyfriend, he's very nice.
But these ladies are extremely talented and I love the music they produce. How can I not harbor a little crush for them?
But these ladies are extremely talented and I love the music they produce. How can I not harbor a little crush for them?
This woman stole my heart a long time ago, when I first heard the song 'Destiny' played at my cousins wedding for their first dance. Her smooth, beautiful lyrics captured me at once and after hearing 'Breathe Me' which I featured on last months playlist about love my infatuation only increased.
Ellie Goulding
Ellie Goulding

My boyfriend is concerned about my love for Ellie Goulding. I play her all the time whenever he comes over, which is pretty much everyday. He likes 'Starry-Eyed' which is perhaps the only song from my whole Itunes he can tolerate, so it gets played on repeat pretty much. Ellie is perfection. Her voice is angelic, her lyrics are heavenly and her melodies are the work of the gods. In summary, I fucking love her. (The Writer - LISTEN!)
Marina from 'Marina and the Diamonds'
Marina from 'Marina and the Diamonds'

Marina is a recent love for me, I discovered her through Last Fm sometime last year and I didn't like her. But with the constant playing of 'Hollywood' I have become to love that vocal range of her. Some songs are like 'Hollywood' and feature a deep, dusky tone but others 'I Am Not a Robot' are soprano. But don't just judge her by those two songs, her album 'Family Jewels' features some bigger, brighter gems.
Laura Marling
Laura Marling

Yes! I'm going to see her! -dances like a crazed loon- But Laura Marling folky, sometimes country sound has always held my heart and is my most listened to artist on Last Fm. Her lyrics are thought-provoking and poetic, her melodies as striking as that peroxide hair of hers. My favourites are 'Ghosts' , 'Night Terror' and 'New Romantic' .
Lykke Lii
I was first introduced to this Swedish sweetheart after she was featured on the New Moon soundtrack with the beautiful song 'Possibility'. I then got her album 'Youth Novels' and fell even more madly in love with her. Her sound is so original and the album is a soothing, beautiful lullaby from start to finish. Listen to 'Time Flies' which is my favourite on the album.
Lykke Lii

Have you heard Laura Marling's new album yet? Its more down tempo i'd say but i still really like it.
No, must download.
I currently have a crush on Marina at the moment although it has nothing to do with her music (which I hate).
I might do a man crush article.
Oh dooooo! I would love to read that,
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